PokelandLegends Wiki

You can see the current server time by holding down the vit icon top of screen.

The game is hosted in the GMT+8 time zone.

Server day resets at 5 am.

Pikachu's Friendship Vit gift is given at 12-2 pm, 6-8 pm and 9-10 pm server time.

World Boss starts at 8 pm server time daily.

Pokemon Riot starts at 9 pm server time daily.

Guild War starts at 7:30 pm Saturdays.

EXVS rankings finish at 8 pm daily.

Head on rankings finish at 9 pm.

Battle tower rankings finish at 10:30 pm server time daily.

World Series finish at 11 pm server time daily.

Monster myst weather forecast resets at 12 am server time.

Fated Enemy resets 9:30 pm daily.
